How to make affordable Christmas decorations in an apartment for a few bucks?

Christmas decorations in the apartment can be beautiful, and luxurious, and yet it does not have to cost a lot!

Create decorations yourself or buy them smartly for a few crowns.

Get inspired by our tips and don’t be afraid to experiment.

Christmas tree made of paper

To make a paper tree, you will need hard green paper, green crepe paper, glue, colored ribbon, and scissors.

As you can see in the picture below, it is not difficult to make.


  • Tear the crepe paper and roll it into small balls.
  • Cut a circle out of hard paper and cut it in half. This will create a cone-shaped base for the paper tree.
  • Then stick crepe paper balls on the cone and decorate everything with bows.
Christmas apartment decoration made of paper, in the shape of a tree, decorated with crepe balls, red bows and a large gold bow.

Do you like paper products? Get inspired by our other instructions for Christmas decorations made of paper.

Christmas balls made of paper

Do you have any CDs or DVDs at home? Great! Use it to make a paper ball base.


  • To make 10 identical cones using a CD or DVD, first divide each circle into 8 equal parts using a pencil.
  • Cut these lines gradually, stopping about 1.5 cm from the center to create individual pieces. Next, wrap each piece around a pencil to form a cone, and glue the edges together.
  • You will need a needle, thread, and 2 pieces of rubber, felt, or hard paper to connect the cones.
  • Thread the needle through one piece of elastic, then thread one cone after another until all ten are attached.
  • Finally, thread the second piece of elastic on and pull the thread tight, securing everything with a knot.
Three colorful paper Christmas decorations.

Do you like making with your own hands? In addition to paper decorations, try one of our instructions for wooden Christmas decorations.

Christmas decoration of the apartment from buttons

This decoration is simple and quick. You will only need a styrofoam cone, beads, colored buttons, and pins.

The only procedure is threading and stabbing.


  • Thread multiple beads and buttons onto the pin, then pin them together to form a cone. There are no limits to imagination.
  • Continue until the entire cone is covered with buttons.

You can use the finished decoration as a Christmas window decoration or as a table or shelf decoration.

Christmas decoration of the apartment in the shape of a tree, made of colored buttons and pins.

You can add a reindeer decoration to the tree to make it more lively.

Christmas snowmen from corks

Almost everyone has corks at home. You don’t have to throw them away right away. Use them as a simple and original Christmas tree decoration.


  • Fasten the corks together with a wire or glue them together with glue and attach them to a decorative ribbon.
  • Paint the glued plugs with colored markers from the inside or outside. It depends purely on your taste.
  • You can also play more with the plugs and, instead of a marker, attach beads to them using glue to represent eyes, mouth, nose, and buttons.
  • Finally, wrap a decorative ribbon around the snowman’s neck to serve as a scarf. And you’re done!

If you like decorations in the form of figures on your tree, you can try making a Christmas elf instead of a snowman. You can not only hang this decoration but also place it on a table or display it in your window.

A Christmas snowman made of white corks, hanging on a branch of a Christmas tree.

do you like snowmen You don’t have to make them only from corks! Get inspired by our other instructions for making decorations with a snowman.

Watch the video with other instructions for the simple Christmas decoration of the apartment.

30 Amazing Christmas Decorations You Can Make In 5 Minutes

Christmas decoration of the apartment from sticks

You can place this decoration anywhere around the apartment, but you can also use it to decorate a festive board on Christmas Eve.

To make it, you will need 4 shorter and weaker twigs and 4 longer stronger twigs.


  • Cut out the base square from the felt, on which you will stick everything. First stick the stronger twigs on the felt in the shape of a cross, followed by the weaker twigs.
  • Stick a needle in the center of the flake. You can also decorate everything with buttons, berries, etc.
  • You can adjust the production process to match the shape of the ornament desired.
  • If you want to hang the decoration somewhere, glue or tie a ribbon, or string, or attach a hook to it. Your Christmas apartment decoration made of sticks is ready.
Christmas decoration made of sticks, hung on a white ribbon.

Get inspired by other Christmas table decorations.

Christmas stars made of paper

Christmas stars made of paper are a perfect decoration for the holiday season. You can create them in different shapes and sizes, but we recommend making a star that can be illuminated.

Making a paper Christmas decoration is very simple and doesn’t take more than ten minutes. All you need is a square paper that is slightly harder and comes in the color and size of your choice.

You will also need a cutting stamp, such as one with stars, to make holes in the star through which the light can shine. Lastly, you will need LED flashlights, which can be easily found in shopping centers for a reasonable price.

The process is quite straightforward. Watch the video tutorial below to get inspired and create a beautiful paper star that you can hang on a window, on a wall, or a door.


See also how to prepare cheap and quick Christmas decorations from natural materials.

Christmas wreath

Give free rein to your imagination and creativity. Make a Christmas wreath for your door or table. It is easy!

Do you have a small or large apartment? You can adapt the size of the wreath to the space in which you live, thanks to your production. Get started!


  • Buy a base for a wreath at a stationery or haberdashery. These are mostly circular foundations made of wire, straw, moss, cardboard, wicker, flexible twigs, paper, or foam.
  • Now all you have to do is go for a walk and collect natural material, thanks to which you can beautifully decorate the base of the wreath.
  • Collect pine cones, twigs, berries, and other natural products. Involve your children or friends in the production and spend a pleasant time together.
  • You can also decorate the wreath with ice lights to create a festive atmosphere.

Get inspired by the instructions for making Advent wreaths from various materials and shapes.

Christmas mistletoe

Christmas is a time of peace, and well-being, but also love. More than ever, we should spend time with our near and dear ones at Christmas.

Bring love into your home too, in the form of Christmas mistletoe!

And why have mistletoe at home?

Tradition says that if you have mistletoe at home, hung, for example, on a door frame, you will have enough love for the whole next year. Of course, you must not forget to kiss your beloved half under the mistletoe.

But you don’t just have to hang the mistletoe. You can add it as an ornament to an Advent wreath or put it in a vase on the table. Be careful, however, that the vase does not contain water. Mistletoe begins to fall off when in contact with water.

Christmas mistletoe, hung on the door frame with a red ribbon.

Mistletoe doesn’t just have to be hanging or in a vase. You can also use it as an outdoor Christmas decoration.

Christmas tree

Do you live in a small apartment and worry about where to put your Christmas tree?

Don’t fret! You don’t need a huge tree to have a successful Christmas. Instead, opt for a small Christmas tree in a decorative flower pot. You can decorate it with classic ornaments and add lights to give it a festive look.

If you like natural decorations, you can be inspired by Christmas decorations made of pine cones.

A tree in a flowerpot isn’t only a good choice for those who have smaller apartments, you can also place a small tree in your hall or in front of your front door to remind you that it’s Christmas time every time you see it.

Christmas ice lighting

The Christmas season brings with it a beautiful transformation where everything becomes serene, fragrant, and glittering.

You can add to the magic of this season by decorating your home with LED lights that can have a calming effect on your soul.

These lights are versatile and can be used in various ways such as adorning your Christmas tree, hanging them in your window, or casually placing them among your plants.

You can even create a magical effect by placing LED lights in a jar that appears to be flying inside the jar only to fly out once the lid is opened.

Not only can you decorate the interiors of your home with lights, but you can also use them to add charm to your balcony. For this purpose, we suggest using solar light chains that obtain energy from sunlight. Let the beauty of these lights fill your home and heart with warmth and joy during this festive season.

We recommend using battery-powered Christmas lights to avoid the need for unsightly wires and to maintain the overall impression.

You will never spoil anything with Christmas decorations in the apartment. Get inspired by our tips and bring peace, well-being, and the right Christmas atmosphere to your home.

Let your imagination run wild and decorate your home exactly to your taste.

Milan & Ondra

We simply enjoy Christmas. On the website, we want to show you the best recipes, decorations and information about Christmas in one place. Are we missing something here? Let us know and get inspired with us! :)

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